Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving full body wellness. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your triggers.

  • Integrative

    Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise and diet, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices such as mindfulness training, aromatherapy, and more.

How you’ll feel

more confident and clear headed about your Goals.


  • Self Guided

    Up level mastermind course is a self-guided course that will take you up to the next level of your life.

  • Group program

    ‘Find Your Purpose, Find Your Passion’ is a 5-month empowerment program.

  • 1:1 program

    Elevate is an intense transformational 1 :1 program that will guide you to a path of transforming your life through discovering your passions and your purpose

Work with me

Tea Time With Gerty

This space affords me an opportunity to talk to like-minded women who have dared to follow their passions and dreams and are ready to inspire others.

EVENTS & Webiners

Begin your wellness journey with full access to our beginner-friendly live webinars and events.

Buy my book ~

Buy my book ~

Weight Loss Wars is a motivational, personal story about Gertrude Nyirenda’s journey through her battle with weight loss. Despite the health problems she suffered during those years, there is no self-pity in the way she openly describes her problems and the journey she finally takes after a friend’s brutal honesty makes her realise that losing weight does not only involve physical changes, but requires a total mind set change too!   

Coming soon

  • Weight loss coaching

    Let’s face it, if losing weight was as simple as eating less and moving more, we would all be a U.K size 8 right? As you know the health experts say, ‘it takes 21 days to change a habit’.

  • Wellness retreat

    Do you desire to go beyond a spa day or beyond a vacation and you’re ready to reclaim control over your overall health, experience a mindset shift and learn to take care of yourself, mentally, physically and spiritually?  If you answered yes to that, then this wellness retreat is for you.